Easily capture rare miscrits.

It can be a hard job to caprutre rare miscrits but with this simple trick you will be easily able to capture rare miscrits.

What you need to do?

Step1: Open multiple tabs.

Step2: Search in the rare miscrits location at the same time.

Step3: If the rare miscrits do not show up just close the tab and start searching in a new tab.

Do not search in the places where there is less chance of capturing the rare miscrits

iGamesGuide Giveaway 100INR fb game card.

Every one needs facebook credits to unlock stuffs in their favorite facebook games. We all need it so we are giving away 100 INR worth facebook game to a lucky winner.

What you need to do?

Step 1.
Like and share or facebook page.

Step 2. Answer this question down in the comments.

Which facebook game are you going to use this facebook game card?

Step 3. Share this message once in your favorite facebook games group.

Win a 100INR fb game card. http://bit.ly/LGrfMs
Step 4. Subscribe to our rss feed.
Enter your email address and subscribe.
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Step 5. Bookmark it and refer this to your friends.
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Giveaway will conclude in a week. So hurry.

Comment here.

Train miscrits fast.

Training miscrits requires a lot of patience and you need to spend a lot of time nearly 2 hours to level up a miscrit from level 1 straight to level 30. Here is a simple trick to help you train miscrits fast both in sunfall kingdom and in volcano island.

What you need?
A level 30 miscrit with moves that heal itself and have an elite or max attack power. Like papa.

In Sunfall Kingdom
Battle near the shack. Its located in mount gemma. There miscrits that have low defenses like kiloray, mumbah, breezycheeks will show up. If your miscrits are strong you can easily defeat them in just a few hits.

In Volcano Island
Inside volcano is the same like the zone near the shack. Here you will be battling two miscrits which gives you extra xp in battle.

If you have the player trait that provides extra xp in the battles you will getting some extra xp in battles. Do not forget to unlock it if you can to train your miscrits faster.

If you now better ways to train miscrits faster feel free do tell us.

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Gaming is my passion and I am really addicted to almost all the games. Here I will sharing with you all tips and tricks for various games both online and offline games. Feel free to share your ideas with the community, we will greatly appreciate your effort.

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